University Support

Undertaking a course in higher education can benefit you in a number of ways. Not only can university offer an environment rich in social and cultural experiences, but can also help further your career prospects by gaining valuable new skills sought by employers, which will open more doors to better jobs.


UCAS connects people to Universities and after your studies it can lead to teacher training, apprenticeships & internships.

The Sixth Form Team at Yateley School will guide you through all aspects of your university application process, hosting regular UCAS clinics, alongside overseeing applications to Oxford and Cambridge, where many of our students now attend.

If you are an Oxbridge student, you will have a dedicated programme including meetings and ongoing support to help you achieve your ambition. All students will be thoroughly supported with a program designed to help you excel!

Our UCAS guide

Our guide will give you everything you need to support your child with their higher education choices. Take a look below!

thumbnail of UCAS 2025 Guide

Careers @ Yateley

Using Unifrog...

Yateley School students and parents have unlimited access to a ‘destinations platform’ called Unifrog. Unifrog enables students to research career, apprenticeship and university course options; identify skills and experiences; draft CVs, write personal statements and receive feedback from teachers and tutors. Unifrog can be used for up to 3 years after a student leaves Yateley School, as we believe we have a role to support students long after they have left us!

Discover Uni...

Discover Uni is the official source of information and guidance on higher education in the UK. The site allows users to search for and compare information and data for individual undergraduate courses across the UK, alongside researching other sources of advice they may need such as application and funding information. Find out more at Discover Uni Home | Discover Uni

Joining us...

To find out more about Yateley School and joining us as a student, sixth former or staff member click below!