Online Safety & Useful Resources
Yateley School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.

As your child grows and becomes more independent, it is only natural that they explore, try new things and sometimes take risks – this is an essential part of learning and growing up.
At Yateley School we are extremely positive about the potential that the online world and new technologies offer young people. Children use technology to express themselves, be creative and explore – it has changed the way they communicate.
At Yateley School we firmly believe that students should be given the opportunity to use the resources available to them responsibly and be supported in doing so. We are committed to helping them understand the dangers they face in an online world and have systems in place to support this.
If a student feels like someone has acted inappropriately towards them online via any form of social media, this should be reported. Each of the main social media applications have ‘report abuse’ buttons which you can use but you can also contact the Child Exploitation and Online Protection command (CEOP). Their Think U Know website also provides helpful information and tips. Both of these websites can be accessed using the links on this page.
As parents and carers, it is also your responsibility to help your child be safe and understand their online world. We aim to support you in this in the following ways:
- E-Safety matters are taught as part of the Staying Safe Online PSHE curriculum in Year 7, right the way through to Year 11. This learning is further enhanced in ICT/Computer Science in years 7-9.
- We have outside speakers coming to speak to students about online safety matters in assemblies at least once a year.
- We have a team of student ‘cyber ambassadors’ who help to inform and guide others.
- We liaise closely with the police to deal swiftly with any matters which might have involved criminal activity.
- In addition, we may advertise other opportunities for parents to access online safety advice and support.
Prevent Duty
Young people can be exposed to content online that is designed to encourage radical or extreme views. We have a duty to safeguard children from being groomed online towards extremist ideas or actions. If you are concerned about a child being exploited or radicalised, please contact one of our DSL team (please see our Safeguarding page on our website for contact details).
Helpful Links
Below are a set of useful websites around all matters of safeguarding and online safety (please simply click on the website name):