
This page sets out what must be published on the school website in one easy-to-access area for all interested parties. We also include our School Self-Evaluation Form (SEF) which should be of support to anyone wanting to know more about our self-assessed strengths and areas for development. The most up-to-date guidance on what maintained schools must publish can be found here:

All Yateley School Policies are best accessed via our bespoke policies page available at

☑ School contact details HERE

☑ Admission arrangements HERE

☑ Ofsted reports HERE

☑ Exam and assessment results at KS4 and KS5

☑ Performance tables HERE

☑ Curriculum policy HERE

☑ Behaviour policy HERE

☑ School complaints procedure HERE

☑ Pupil premium HERE

☑ Special educational needs (SEN) and disability information HERE

☑ Careers programme information HERE

☑ School Uniform HERE

☑ School Financial Information HERE

☑ School Financial Benchmarking HERE

Equality objectives HERE

☑ Governors’ information and duties HERE

☑ Charging and remissions policies HERE

☑ Values and ethos HERE

☑ Requests for paper copies

☑ School Opening Hours HERE

☑ Our Curriculum HERE

☑ Remote Education Plans HERE

DfE (Department for Education) / Ofsted Information

Admission Information

Our admissions policies for past, current and future years of entry are available to view here.

Behaviour Policy

Please see here for our up-to-date behaviour policy, click here.

Charging Policy

Please see here for our charging and remissions policy.


Yateley School
School Lane,
Yateley GU46 6NW
01252 879222

SENCO = Mrs Lee Goredema

Careers = Mr Mike Tidd

Exam and Assessment Results

Our 2022 key stage 4 results can be found here

Meanwhile, our 2022 key stage 5 results can be found here.

Questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!


Please see here for all details on our governing body at Yateley School.

Key SEND Information

Please see here for key SEND information.


Our 2018 Section 5 Ofsted inspection report can be viewed here. Following this visit Ofsted found the school to be GOOD with an OUTSTANDING Sixth Form. Our most recent “Parent View” of the school can be accessed here. Questions or comments? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Performance Tables

To access the Performance Tables checking website for Yateley School please click here.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium information can be found here (please note, you may need to “login as guest”)


The member of staff who deals with queries will vary depending on the nature of the issue raised. If unsure we advise you to contact

Requests for Paper Copies

This service can be provided by contacting the admin team, please click here.

School Complaints

Regarding complaints, please click here

Vision and Values

See here to find out more about our Vision and Values at Yateley School.

Yateley School Self-Evaluation

Students in education or employment.

Post-16 school leavers 2022

  • Students staying in employment or education: 99.38%, from which:
  • Students attending Yateley School Sixth Form: 58.4%;
  • Students going to college (other): 40.98% (of whom 14% on apprenticeships);
  • Students not in education/employment: 0.62%

Gender Pay Gap

For details on our school gender pay gap please visit the website.