Headteacher’s Welcome
Mr P German

I am exceptionally proud of our happy and successful school. An ethos of high standards and high expectations underpins everything that we do. We work hard to create a caring and challenging learning environment where every individual can strive, enjoy and achieve. I hold a strong belief in the power of education to change children’s lives and the right of every child to receive an excellent education. We have superb provision both within and beyond the classroom and we are confident that the preparation for adult life offered at Yateley School is second to none. The curriculum is broad and engaging and our accomplishments in cultural and sporting activities are truly inspirational.
Ofsted (2023) noted that “Yateley School is a warm and welcoming community where pupils thrive. Positive, respectful relationships are at the heart of the school’s ethos, and staff take the time to get to know pupils and their families well. Pupils enjoy coming to school, and their attendance is high.” No child is left out and it is a matter of pride for us that whatever a child’s need, we can bring both our resources and individual care and attention to bear to ensure that every young person can thrive.
“There is a calm and friendly atmosphere across the school site. Pupils feel safe and supported. Bullying and discrimination of any kind are not tolerated in this inclusive school. Leaders deal with any bullying swiftly and effectively. Pupils are confident that staff will take their concerns seriously.” (Ofsted 2023).
I believe strongly in the limitless potential of all our students, all of whom are valued as individuals and encouraged to develop their talents to the full in a community where achievement is celebrated. Alongside vast opportunity within the curriculum, our superb House system ensures that all students can and should participate from the first day and play a full part in the success of both House and School
Our large, vibrant and outstanding Sixth Form as an integral part of the school. Together with much valued partnerships with feeder primary schools and with Higher Education institutions, education at Yateley is very much a life-long journey in which we are all privileged to play a significant part.
Our aim is to encourage each student to be self-confident, inquiring, tolerant and positive. We pride ourselves in enabling young people to think for themselves, to think deeply and to think about others. By the time they leave Yateley, we want each student to have class leading qualifications, a true sense of their self-worth and to be of value to society. A child only has one chance at their education. I believe that our school’s offer should be exemplary – no excuses!
Our success is your success and I hope you are keen to become part of our story after viewing our website. #Empoweredforlife
Mr P German
Headteacher – Yateley School