Here you will find the detail behind our curriculum offer at Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Sixth Form. We present our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 as learning journeys, so you can see exactly what we are studying in the various subjects as well as our focus on character education, tutor time, PSHE and extra curricula opportunities.

If you would like specific details of what is studied in any given subject or how progress is measured then please visit our detailed “Key Stage on a Page” below. Each subject page contains detailed course information, the BIG questions, skills acquired, resources to support, how parents/carers can help, assessment information and contact details. If you want to find out more about the Curriculum on offer at Yateley School then please contact our admin team via and they will direct your query to the correct person.

Learning Journeys (Key Stage 3)

Learning Journeys (Key Stage 4)

Masterclass Videos (Key Stage 3)

Masterclass Videos (Key Stage 4)

Key Stage on a Page (Key Stage 3)

Key Stage on a Page (Key Stage 4)

Key Stage on a Page (Key Stage 5)